
metre ruler:to measure up to 1 metre

The vernier calipers:to measure up to0.01cm
Inner jaws:for measuring inner dimensions/diameter
outer jaws:for measuring the outer dimension/diameter
screw clamp:to lock the vernier scale to take a reading
vernier scale:to measure the decimal figures up to 0.01cm
stem/tail:to measure depths

The micrometer screw gauge:to measure things up to 0.01mm

Zero Error
Definition: human error occur  and reading is incorrrct due to the 0ne of the main scale not matching or colliding exactly with the main scale
No zero error:measure accordingly
Positive error:add to the main reading
Negative:deduct from main reading
Videos......enjoy .......:P

After this lesson,i have learnt an important lesson about precision and i was also awed that scientists in the past was able to come up with such complex(well,to me at first) instruments despite technology being not-so-advanced in the past.I know this as i have read that this was invented in 1851 by an American.I have also found out precision is very important,imagine,if you are NASA scientist and you are trying to calculate the speed of the rocket to the moon,after some time,you found the speed and time of the rocket is 30000m/s x 1.3s.If you try to round off 1.3s to 1.5s,it will have a difference of 60000m and that is not a small sum!Therefore,the invention of vernier caliper (and micrometer)help increase precision in figures(that might be essential when you are an architect) .Thank you!
